2022 Recap & 2023 Goals
It's so hard to believe yet another year is behind us. 16 years ago right now we were in the first few months of the business and we had no idea what the future would hold. It's hard to grasp that those years have flown by so fast, and so much has changed. We're humbled and filled with gratitude that we are still here doing what we love - educating on proper fitting, quality undergarments, to help make the lives of those who wear them more comfortable.
The past couple of years have pushed us to make some pretty significant changes around the Lounge going into the new year. Although it took some time to wrap our heads around some of the changes, we are excited to move into January with a fresh outlook and renewed focus on what matters most to us - comfortable, quality undergarments!
We started 2022 feeling like sardines crammed in a can. We were also feeling some post-pandemic pressure to accommodate all the needs our clients were bringing to us. We signed a lease to expand into the bay next door and started renovations on the back part of our existing space which had been a cluttery stock room with cement floors. Once the back space was drywalled and had flooring, we realized how much more usable space we suddenly had! Going into the fall months, we got very slow. This fall was one of the slowest for us in over a decade, and it was the same for most small retailers across Canada and beyond. We were faced with making the brutal decision to pull out of the new agreement with our landlords and focus on the new space we had created instead of expanding. We are so blessed to have the most amazing local family as our landlords. They have supported us for 13 years now, and they didn’t hesitate to graciously support this decision as well. We were overwhelmed and so grateful for their understanding.
With these changes, we also made some staffing decisions. Our team is a little smaller now, we were so disappointed to have to say good bye to Makayla and Anelle. We weren’t going to drag them through slower days and cut hours when they needed more. So we’re back to our core group, Cortney and Sheena, Steph and Kiara. We know those decisions were important ones to the business although hard to accept. Both of those women were important members of the team and we will miss them.
When it comes to our collections for 2023, we are putting 100% of our focus into bras and bottoms. We will not be carrying as much sleep or loungewear as we have in the past, but we do intend to bring in more complimentary collections… like… SWIMWEAR! We have always wanted to offer terrific swimwear collections for all sizes, and although we have dabbled, we have never been able to fully make that commitment. This is our opportunity and we’re thrilled!
We are also in the middle of curating a phenomenal basics collection - leggings, undershirts, slips, panties, lounge bras, and lingerie that you can expect to shop all year round. There are so many foundations pieces that we are asked for, and we're ready to grow that selection into something much better!
Thank you all for your continued love and support of The Bra Lounge. Giving you a safe, beautiful place to shop for your intimates, as well as offering you a complete collection in all sizes and price points has always been our first priority.
We have always promised the ultimate bra shopping experience, but in 2023 we're going to elevate and enhance your bra shopping experience even more. Happy New Year!

Girls I promise to make it up there this year would love to see you again.Love Mrs Regehr
(And your bra’s)